API Documentation Upload - Flow

Recommended for software engineers only 😉

Draft version - last updated 2022-10-25



We will provide a username and password to you on request. To authenticate and get a token call /api/v1/login. For details refer to the Postman collection and php example sent to you on request.



To ingest a track, you call the API endpoint: /api/v1/import/upload. 

You can 

  • upload a file or
  • send a url to the audio file
  • send metadata in a JSON string

For details on the JSON string format read this article.

For details refer to the Postman collection and php example sent to you on request.


The response is a JSON string:

"status": true,
"data": {
"upload_id": 11,
"file": "",

"status": "uploaded"
"message": "Import successfully saved",
"errors": []
Tracks are processed asynchronously.
There are two ways to tell if we have successfully processed a track.
1.) Webhooks
Specify the hook_url field in the request. The processing pipeline will call this URL once it processes the track.
2.) Status query

You can call the /api/v1/import/list?upload_id= endpoint and check if ingest_id is not null.  If ingest_id is null, the track is still pending processing. Iflast_error is not null, there was an error processing the track and last_error will contain the error message.



Refer to the Postman collection and the PHP example provided to you.


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